We are drawn together out of a shared desired to protect the environment, the wildlife, the natural beauty of the canyon, and the quiet, tranquil quality of life for the residents of the hillside.
Our organization officially formed in the Spring of 2018. We are incorporated in the state of the California, and we are in process of receiving our 501(c)(3) designation from the IRS. We have a fourteen member board of directors who are all members of local community.
The current board members are Mark Levin (President), Robert Mann (Vice President), Guity Javid, (Treasurer), Elizabeth Parry (Secretary), Mark Ameli, Cristina Collissino, Volker Fleck, Rafe Cohen, Jennifer Flackett, Bruce Goldsmith, Matthew Post, and Caroline Fleck.
All board members are unpaid and working on behalf of the community.
We are working closely with the Benedict Canyon Association, the Hillside Federation, and other organizations with overlapping missions.
To contact us, please write to
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